Northants Pest Control can help deal with squirrels entering your premises. Whilst it is sometimes possible to exclude the squirrels and “proof” the entry points to prevent access, we would normally trap the intruders. We will carry out” proofing “work where possible but as squirrels often enter through defective roofs this may require more extensive work.

Any problem you have with squirrels – we can help!


Squirrels are small to medium sized rodents, with tree squirrels in the UK belonging to the same family group as chipmunks and marmots.

The dangers squirrels present

Squirrels present little imminent danger or hazard to our health except when they gain access to an attic or loft which will increase the risk to your safety due the damage they cause to your property.

  • Noise – squirrels can be easily identified as they can make quite a lot of noise as they scamper in and out of the loft space; squirrels are constantly looking for food, entering and leaving the loft space through the smallest gap.
  • Gnawing – like many rodents, squirrels have prominent teeth and, as a result, frequently gnaw on hard items to sharpen their teeth. Like other rodents, the damage they cause can happen quickly and can, in some cases, present significant hazards. Squirrels are not choosy about what they gnaw, anything from wood to cabling. Exposed wires can be a fire or electrocution hazard, with consistent gnawing of some important structural wood elements compromising its strength. All damage from squirrels can be expensive to repair if left untreated.

Why our homes are inviting…

The loft or attic space is perfect for squirrels. High off the ground, difficult for predators to find and invade, as well as generally safe and weather-proof, attics and loft spaces are gained through any small entry point by an opportunist squirrel.

Squirrels look for places that are particularly good for breeding; with a breeding pattern that usually involves two litters of young per year. Born toothless and blind, the young are weaned at around 6 to 10 weeks and are sexually mature by the end of the first year. They tend to breed December to February and May to June, both prime times for customers to notice they have a squirrel and a nest, usually called a drey, in their attic!

Our Treatment

Squirrels can be difficult to deal with and are best left to professionals. Our treatment would normally involve placing traps in the loft to catch the intruders. Once the squirrels have been removed from the roof the entry point should be sealed. However squirrels can get in through a very small hole and it may not be possible to identify this and seal it.